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Humber College, Internship, ConsumerView Remote Marketing Services, Small Business, Clarington People

Internship: A great option for Small Business.

ConsumerView Remote Marketing Services has the pleasure to announce a new venture.

We are taking on a Humber College Media Studies Internship student for the next four months. Rachel Crowell is in year two of her Humber College Media Studies coursework, graduating in 2016. She will be building a new website, and then applying her skills in Journalism, Marketing, Photography, Video, and Graphic Design. We welcome Rachel to our team and look forward to the creation of a new ‪#‎Clarington‬ resource, ‪#‎ClaringtonPEOPLE‬ in April 2016. Stay tuned as we work together on this project. I look forward to our progress this winter.

Why take on an Intern? They are fresh and ready to work. They are enthusiastic and bring the best of new skills to business. They are eager to learn the ropes and using all of their knowledge to enhance your endeavours.

Applying their newly learned skills is essential to begin a realistic entry into the world of work in Small Business or a Corporate environment. Introducing someone to that reality is very rewarding both personally and professionally.

Will it be easy? No. Will it be helpful, Yes. Working with an Intern will enlighten them to the challenges and obstacles we all face as small business owners. It will introduce them to realities such as budget and time restrictions, deadlines and office politics. You might just learn something…

My team, my business, and my connections will all benefit from this experience. I encourage other small businesses to explore the benefits of Internship opportunities for our next generation of entrepreneurs.

Off we go!
