Why Use ConsumerView?
Times have changed; there is no doubt that the internet has taken over how potential clients will look for your services, and the way you did business ten years ago may not be working any longer, and you’re just realizing why.
Times have changed, yet have you? As small business owners try to maintain a steady flow of new clients, while adequately servicing the ones they have already acquired, it’s a common story to hear that keeping up with all the change is frustrating. You spend all day in the office or on the sales floor, filling orders and providing services, and may not be taking a good long look at how new clients might see you, if they can even find you. You can’t afford to hire a full-time marketing associate, but perhaps there’s a different way to make your marketing dollars work.
Enter ConsumerView Remote Marketing Services. Marketing taskwork, completed remotely, connected to your office daily, working with you whenever and however you choose to communicate. Have your customer engagement managed, advertising planned, social media managed, email newsletters out on time and to a connected audience, and, we’re AFFORDABLE.
Why Social Media?
What have you done to let clients know you’re out there, still running your business and wanting to invite new people to visit your doorway? It’s not enough to shake hands anymore; you can still shake them, but you should also be shaking them Online. Gone are the days of a listing in the Yellow Pages, as 88% of people looking for your services start on their phone.
It’s not enough to be seen at events, or put a sign on the lawn. You can do that, but what if you had a 24/7, 365 day a year Employee doing all of your Promotion, and it was virtually FREE to employ them? That’s what Social Media is…it’s a form of advertising that can reach thousands of people a day, if you do it right.
Reach out to consumers and be available when they are. Be there to educate, retain, convince and convert new prospects at whatever time they choose to search for you. Play where they play, and communicate when they are receptive. Place yourself at the top of the SEO ladder, open your Social Media doors to the public, and build trust with your knowledge and expertise. Invite them to share your information, ask them to contact you in as many ways as possible.
Then, one day, they call, or they email, they message you, or they show up at your front door. They won’t be wearing a badge that says NEW CLIENT: I FOUND YOU ON SOCIAL MEDIA, but they will already have researched you about your business, and your services, read all your reviews, and are ready to BUY, or else you wouldn’t be hearing from them.
Or, as is often the case, they will find your competitor first, and visit their doorway, or buy their products online, if you’re not online.
Sad, you have spent all that money investing in your business, but no one can find you. Shame, really.
So, why Social Media? My answer is the same every time someone asks.
Why Not?
Our full team includes a fantastic website developer by referral, an online content graphic designer and one EXPERT social media marketing professional, and we’re here for you when you need us.
Contact us for your unique marketing plan creations. We’ll be ready when you are. Check out our Services page and discover what you can add to your business this year to make a difference.